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> January 2017
Cycling Race Crash Left One Rider Hanging From A Bridge Over A Ravine (Watch)
This 193 Ft. Cliff Dive Is Not For The Faint Of Heart (Watch)
Young Dolphins Stolen From Their Mothers To be Sold To Aquariums
Woman Gets An Unexpected But Welcome Surprise With Her DVD Rental
Listen: Millennial Moment With Kylie and Wayne (1/27)
Man Tries To Get A Free Carwash, Has To Be Rescued By Helicopter
Tostitos Bag Doubles as Breathalyzer?
Amateur Golfer Wins A New Car After Getting A Hole In One
Fire Engulfs Highway After Tanker Truck Crash
Kid and Mom Scream Over PS4 (OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE)
Allred performs in the Clearlink Lounge
TEXT TOPIC: Who is the person in your family you dread talking to on the phone?
TEXT TOPIC: Did you have to fire someone because of something stupid?
TEXT TOPIC: What went down in your place of business before HR existed?
UTA Front Runner Train Hits A FedEx Truck (Watch)
Group Therapy: Miss X was almost fired because of a co-worker that she thought was a friend. Messed up! Should she stay or go?
TEXT TOPIC: Are you in a romantic relationship and you are using them
TEXT TOPIC: Did your significant other promise to change so you would stay?
Wait, What Did You Just Say?
Kid To Kid Nomination Finalists
Happy Pie day!!
Basketball is fun!!
Do You Really Think A Gate Will Keep Me On This side Of The Kitchen?
Listen: Millennial Moment With Kylie and Wayne (1/20)
Someone Cut This Rottweiler's Nose And Ears Off Leaving It Severely Disfigured
TEXT TOPIC: Are you with a man that is TOO emotional?
Baby kidnapped 18 years ago speaks out
The Utah licorice pantry mom was on ELLEN!!!!!!!!! (Watch)
TEXT TOPIC: Do you have a spouse that DOESN'T do anything around the house?
TEXT TOPIC: Did you fail your driving test?
TEXT TOPIC: Do you know of a teacher that hooked up with a student?
This Instagram Account Is Filled With Sad Dogs Waiting Outside Stores For Their Owners
Dirty Matted Cat Gets A Makeover... Still Doesn't Look Happy
TEXT TOPIC: Proud mama moment - What are you most proud of when it comes to your kids?
TEXT TOPIC: Did you un-friend or un-follow someone? Did they un-friend or un-follow you?
Check out this fire performance from Bryan Blaze outside our studio (Video)
Man Warns Of The Dangers Of Vaping After E-Cigarette Explodes In His Face
This SNL Bachelor sketch was SO DANG FUNNY
Check out this mini Taylor Swift :)
What A Great Birthday!
Is this baby clapping in the womb?
PHOTOS: Weekend Trip To Moab
How many households have the magic coffee table and magic baskets?
This Is A Pretty Lazy Way To Rescue A Child From The Middle Of The Road (Video)
Semi Hits Snowplow, Sends It 300 Feet Down Spanish Fork Canyon (Video)
TEXT TOPICS: Do you disagree with your spouse when it comes to tipping
Listener Mariel talked with us about her show Ghost Vlogs
Red Fox Found Frozen Inside A Giant Ice Cube In A River (Photos)
TEXT TOPIC: Did someone think you were making a mistake and it turned out to be the best thing ever or vice versa?
TEXT TOPIC: Do you have someone in your life that "phubbs" you? Do you "phubb" people?
You Won't Get Much Sleep At The Clown Motel
Terrified Toddler Tries To Wake His Aunt In A Sick Prank Named #DeadPose
We talked about goals in 2017, on Studio 5!
TEXT TOPIC: Who's the racist in your family?
TEXT TOPIC: Were you married for a long time and now you are back in the dating scene?
TEXT TOPIC: Do you feel like your spouse puts you in the backseat?
TEXT TOPIC: Did you have tough love growing up?
What's Trending? The Backpack Challenge?
These Guys Have A Great Time Trying To Get A Bike Unstuck From An Electric Fence
Baby with heart shaped birthmark is ready for Valentine’s Day (Photo)
Singer Finds A Snake In His Toilet While On Vacation
Our thoughts and prayers go out to this family
TEXT TOPIC: Is there nepotism at your work?
TEXT TOPIC: When did your joke fall flat?
TEXT TOPIC: Do you hide candy from your kids??
Monster Trucks rocked!!!!
Dr.Burton: What To Do When Kids See Bad Content
Professional Tag Match? This Isn't Your Normal Kids Game (Video)
Girl Trips Out After Having Her Wisdom Teeth Removed (Watch)
Kylie's new nickname is White Chyna! Lol!!!
PHOTOS: Went To The Ice Castles In Midway
TEXT TOPIC: Do you have something in your home that has been broken or unfinished for a long time?
Police Officer Lets A Cowboy Ride On The Hood Of The Patrol Car While He Ropes A Loose Calf
Oh Shiz... Kylie Swore On The Air
TEXT TOPIC: What are you dreading?
TEXT TOPIC: Are you trying to change your significant other?
Ancestry DNA Results For Frankie, Jessica And Wayne
Kylie and Josh talk about their relationship (Watch)
Utah School Closings And Late Start Listing
PHOTO: Demon Or A Palm Tree Caught On Camera In Arizona?
Would You Sleep In An Earthquake Bed?
Ring Is Dropped Into Waterfall During Marriage Proposal (Video)
Please a prayer for listener Riley and her family
TEXT TOPIC: Who in your family cheats when you play games?
TEXT TOPIC: Are you waiting for a marriage proposal?
GoFundMe for a service dog
Watch: Frankie, Jess, Wayne and Kylie play "Never Have I Ever"
Fight breaks out at comedian Ricky Harris' Funeral... Sherri Shepherd Distraugh
Congressman's Son 'Dabs' During Swearing In Ceremony
Happy 2017! We had a blast with our friends on New Years!
Confessions in professions: Do you work in a sexual type of biz?
TEXT TOPIC: What are you going to change this year?
TEXT TOPIC: Are you breaking up with a friend this year?
Christmas break in AZ! (Photos)
A simple way to clear frost of your car windows in seconds (Watch)
Restaurant Delivery Driver Goes Above And Beyond After Seeing Customers Delivery Instructions
Holiday photos from the Christmas break!