Tommy Green, of Salt Lake City, is running across the state of Utah, From the Idaho border to Arizona, Over the next 2 weeks. His run started this morning, and he’ll be averaging 30 miles a day. He’s doing this in efforts to raise funds and awareness of Human Trafficking in the world. His goal is $1000 for every mile, so about $430,000.
This effort is brought on by his own families story of a girl that reached out to him from France and was sold by her mother. They fought to get her out, but by the time they could locate and save her, her Injuries, as well as countless STDs, were too severe, and she passed away. He runs against traffic and hopes others will too, in an effort to rescue and restore girls from similar situations.
Saturday he’ll finish up his day by doing a 5k in liberty park, and is inviting as many people as possible to come out and join the cause. He’ll be entering Liberty Park at approximately 1 pm, and the 5k will begin soon after.
He’ll be live streaming and reporting throughout on his Instagram page, as well as Facebook, @runagainsttraffic and
There’s also a gofundme for anyone who wants to donate.