Jeff McCartney

Jeff McCartney

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Shark That Attacked CA Man Could Be Biggest Ever!

A great white shark who attacked a California man last week might be one of the largest in the ocean. 62-year-old Steve Bruemmer was bitten while swimming near Lovers Point Beach in Pacific Grove. Thankfully, he was rescued and is currently hospitalized in stable condition. Based on the size of the bite marks, the shark was estimated to be up to 20 feet long.  That would make it an exceptionally large creature - most great whites range from 11-16 feet long, while only the largest reach 20 feet. MORE on this story from

Do you know anyone who won't go in the ocean due to sharks?

Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas), swimming towards camera, underwater view, Beqa Lagoon, Beqa, Fiji

Photo: Getty Images-George Karbus Photography Cultura

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