Teaching my children how to drive is by far the hardest for me. It's stresses me out! We live in CO and it's not taught in school. I wish we had drivers Ed
The hardest part about parenting is not being able to waive a wand and take away all the things that cause them so much pain. So hard especially with teens and young adults.
hardest thing about being a parent right now is balancing your patience and humility. It's hard to understand your own feelings.
The hardest thing is *trying* to raise children when you have two "parents" who care more about being liked more than the other parent. One doesn't support you in parenting and the other tells the children they don't have to listen because you're not the child's biological parent.
teaching your kids all the things they need to know. Then realizing how much you weren't taught so you are now teaching you and your kids emotional regulation, being authentically yourself, and doing our part for the world.
hardest thing for being a parent I think being a parent is the hardest job I've ever had and will ever have and it's the whole part of parents everything is hard
hardest part about parenting is letting your teenagers make their own choices / mistakes
The thing that's worst about being a parent is watching your kids struggle trying to pay their bills and find a decent place to live… The worry never stops matter how old they get
step parent here. He's 13. Been in his life for about 7.5 years. The older he gets, it's harder. His mom is back in his life more so it's becoming kind of a friend role but I'll take anything to still be in his life.
Balancing time with 3 kids all different ages along with dealing with my youngest having health issues and making sure the other two don't feel neglected or like they're not loved.
Trying to course correct after the children have been at disneyland dad's. They have zero rules or direction while there so they come home entitled and with the sleep schedule of a vampire. The hardest part of parenting......dealing with the child, they call dad.
The hardest part is when your kids are young adults just starting out, and you have to be accepting that their lives are completely different than what you wanted for them. You have a certain vision of how you want their life to be, but they have their own vision and it's hard to just be okay with it.
Not repeating toxic parenting such as yelling, telling kid to toughen up, talk about feelings. It's so instilled in me but I don't want that for my kids like I did
it's both delightful and terrifying watching your children do "adulting!"