This weekend I went to the gem studio in SLC with my mom and sister and did a bunch of homework to prep for finals
saturday at the usana concert, i put beer wristbands on people. One mans drivers licence said his name was nephi mormon!
Over the weekend we rode the motorcycles up to Idaho to get lottery tickets.
This weekend I was able to finally set up the record player I got for Christmas. I'm in love with it! (Unfortunately, I think it's having issues with the tonearm or something else that's causing it to wobble or skip)
just got back from a week trip in bear lake. Now getting ready to celebrate my daughters 5th birthday this week.
Family celebrated my BD on the 24. BD is the 22. It was great. Love my Family so much!
finally went and saw Thor love and thunder, and saw THAT BOOTY!!! Went on a motorcycle ride up butterfield canyon, super gorgeous up there. Then went to a pie and beer day party with the fam and friends.