when I was 12, my email was ridinghighgreg@yahoo. I loved mountain biking! Quickly changed that when it was time to find a job.
My husband still uses email "zippisfun" created in his early 20's. His nickname was zip in the military, he said because "that's what you'd hear when he was leaving a room with a girl". He's 46 and I get embarrassed every time he gives it to someone.
I was really into martial arts when I was a teenager and my email is fightgirl. I'm a cashier and I don't need a professional email so I've never changed i
my email starts with maddog. I've had it for 20 plus years and refuse to change it because everything is attached to it.
my nickname has always been "donkey", when my older brother set up my email like 25 years ago, he set it up as "Donkeyonmars@hotmail" still use it and get laughs from people all the time. Have a great day love you guys. Donny
at a previous job I reviewed all info for clients. One I came across was bigbootyjudy@.....com
I'm in HR and recruiting the email addresses I see are incredibly crazy for job hunting. Misspelled words, and all kinds of inappropriate things. One of my favorites was elmo is my evil homeboy! Lol
My husband has an email Disturbedminor. He got that when he was 17 mind you he isn't a minor anymore. What he was doing is put 2 favorite bands together Fort Minor & Disturbed.
I was at a mechanic shop and they asked for an email to send me promotional stuff and out loud I gave them my email place4spam@gmail.com
used to work at a call center. The customer was trying to be discreet by spelling it. Then I read it back to confirm you could tell he was embarrassed. Thepantydropper@.... Good times the random emails u come across when working customer service
my aunt's email that she uses for everything including her business is exotictiger69
home email: danish_dish
Used to use this on the dating apps. randomguy69...lol