Text Topics

Text Topics

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TEXT TOPIC: Motivating words that helped you get where you are today?

when I was 18, my manager, Felipe (Jess knows him), told me I could do anything I wanted, the respect I had for him made that comment believe in myself.


Dad told me it's ok to drop something that's not right for you. Led me from being an education major to business school. I'm 27 & found my career, which I never even considered as a teen


my 8 year old daughter told me to quit living in fear of being like my dad. Didn't realize I was until she said it


In college I had poor grades and worked 3 jobs. Carol Merrill director of WSU Women's center gave me a chance. she Got me a scholarship. I focused on school. Graduated nursing school with high honors and been working with IHC for 10 years with my RN. without her help I'm not sure I would have had the ability to finish college and be successful today


The best advice came from my grandmother, who raised me. She encouraged me to leave the Navajo Reservation and make something of myself. I have & have a great career. I don't want to know where I would have been if she didn't give me that advice because I see how other's lives have been destroyed by alcoholism, drugs, and abuse that is sadly rampant on the reservations.


my parents passed away when I 4. My aunt took me and raised me. My dad was fire fighter. Well my aunt encouraged me to follow in my dads footsteps. And headed to NY to join the fire department. This is for you dad. Miss you and mom forever loveEthan.


HUGE shout out to my brother who got me to start school in the first place, and along with my amazing husband, the encouragement to not quit. I started from scratch in 2012. Became a nurse at age 52. 3 degrees and a certification later I owe them so much. There were set backs and struggles, but they wouldn't let me give up.


my uncle helped me graduate college. We signed a "contract" on a napkin. He encouraged me where I am in my career now. Still have contract.


My husband. I was studying to be an orthodontist and I was miserable. I'm a creative soul and always had a passion for photography and he asked "why are you killing yourself when you know what you want to do" now a full time photog & couldn't be happier!


I was halfway through my junior year of college as a musicmajor. One professor told me I wouldn't make it as a professional and so I was going to quit and switch majors. I was talking to a different professor later and he told me he was surprised I wasn't in music education because it really fit my personality. 15 minutes later I had decided to switch over to music education. I went on to become a band/orchestra director. I will forever be grateful for Dr. Rohrer's words of encouragement.


my anchor Emily Clark, it took me 7 years to get my degree, going part time and working 2 jobs. I failed or dropped math 3 times. I enrolled one last time and she told me to NOT quit or give up and think of her when I wanted to. Countless times I wanted to, but it worked. Didn't want to disappoint her. She is the list encouraging and caring human I work with




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