I have a few of them. I had a stroke and woke up in ICU and then my tibia popped out of my skin and I passed out cause of the pain and woke up somewhat in the ER. That was actually 4 years ago 2 days ago
in Jr high, went out riding bikes with friends, woke up under a bunch of lights. Thought I had been abducted by aliens, and freaked out. Guess I fell off my bike, into a rock garden, and hit my head. Still scared of aliens.
drove incoherent for 3 miles, ordered 2 dbl whopper meals, drove through 2 active school zones, took out 3 mailboxes, skimmed a ditch & stopped within inches of a Power Pole. Woke up at ER w/blood sugars at 27. I remember leaving home, that's it
I woke up in the hospital when I was 10 after falling out of a moving van