my ex husband of almost 7yrs who cheated on me 2x says he wants me back but that I'm too stubborn to take him back
my boss is not begging me to come back but begging me not to leave. She called me crying because if I leave our department will fail quickly. Things need to change, I can't carry this department by myself and if it continues I will need a significant pay raise.
old employer wants me to come back, I will NEVER come back until you fix the morale, pay your employees more. Hey boss you think your helping out by asking to pay employees more but that's not the root cause of why I left, it was you!
my old job is begging, I'm in a better place thought. Better schedule, better career opportunity, better everything. Sorry
since Jan 1 I’ve had 3 exes ask me to take them back. One of them being my exhusband, we’ve been divorced since 2017.
Been gone for a year and previous coworkers keep calling me asking how to do their jobs. Nope. I am gone for a reason!!
My old director called me exactly 1 year from when I left my job. He told me to name my price to come back. I asked for more money and to not work under my old supervisor. The director said "done" and ended up demoting my old supervisor and replacing him with me. Accepted the offer
my old job called me back and offered me more money. Yes I went I love it here!!