2022 goal...double my salary! I know...quite the goal, but after looking around the tech market I think it's doable.
My big goal is to get out of debt. I have about 7k including my truck loan and I want it gone.
Going from the couch to 10K my friend and I had signed up for the SLC marathon for 2020 and it was canceled, deferred till this year!
my goals for this year is to loose 80-100 pounds so I can get pregnant and to live a more minimalist lifestyle by donating everything I don't use
Find out what I like and dislike in life. Food, hobbies, movies, books, opinions, etc. Years of depression has made me forget who i am.
joined the FB group "1000 hours outside official group" to get my kids (3 & 9 months) & I outdoors a lot more.
In June 2019 I made a personal go to fill the rest of the year working out every single day. Then 2020 comes and I'm like hey I'm going to make a perfect year of working out at least one hour a day. I did not have any clue that a pandemic was on its way and soon enough the gyms were closed. So I had to run outside in the rain no you name it. I even used my stairs as a work out. But I did it a perfect year
the biggest goal I have this year is to rekindle the romance in my marriage. After we had our 1 year old our priority shifted to the baby, now it's time to get us back.
New Years goal is to open my first Roth IRA. I'm in my late 40's and have no retirement.
keeping a steady sleep schedule and saving my PTO instead of having little sick days throughout the year
My big goal for this year is to get up every morning at 6am so I can study/read and move my body. I have never been a morning person and have always woken up 20-30 minutes before work. I've been going 3 days strong so far! I love the way I'm feeling and feel so productive!!
I'm 40/41 & I want to find my last/till retirement great job! I have 20yrs experience in customer service & looking for a company that appreciates all my knowledge
my goal this year is to get back on my bicycle for a 25 mile ride. I've broken 8 bones in feet/knee, 2 knee replacements in 4 years and I miss my bike. I WILL get there!
My goal is to launch my small business by my birthday in June.
I turned 40 this year and made it a goal to get in the best shape I have ever been in. I also would like to start a new business and have it up and running by 2023
just purchased my first short term rental and plan to purchase 2 more this year!
with the baby coming my goal is to buy my wife a truck keep 3 cars and get out of credit card debt from Christmas I owe 7k with November and December food and presents
My goal this year is to marry my soulmate. Last year taught me life is too short
My goal is to put $100 in my savings every payday & NOT touch it. Lol. I have no savings and I'm 38. Not a lot, but I live paycheck to paycheck.
goals for 2022. Finish writing my book. And focus on my crime podcast.
I have a small business and this year I would like to double my sales from last year! Also learn more about marketing! I'm a one man band!
Honor mySelf and my feelings unapologetically. Love myself physically and mentally.
My focus is minimizing all that doesn't make me happy.