cooking mac and cheese for my daughter and two friends. Had a big bag of chips next to the stove, somehow they tipped over and caught fire. The girls were about eight (?) so proud of them, they ran outside and stayed together until I was able to put it out with a fire extinguisher. Whole grain Costco bag of chips turned to dust. No other damage
My mom caught the kitchen on fire while cooking steak. She had a piece of decor hanging above the stove and it caught on fire
When I was about 12, I had to have dinner ready when my parents got home. So I was cooking french fries and I had a crush on the boy across the street so I was outside talking to him and my kitchen caught on fire burned our whole kitchen down
my in laws left cinnamon sticks boiling on an outside propane burner and left for a concert. By some miracle I noticed the light on outside and went out to turn it off and saw flames. Put it out before it got to big and no real damage to anything. Counting my blessing cause it was just me and my kids at the house.
We were remodeling our basement. I moved all of my clothes into our basement kitchen. I put tubs on the stove with my clothes, thinking the stove was unplugged. One day I was looking for a shirt, I lifted up one of the tubs and accidentally turned the stove on, so it started the tubs on fire. It ended up burning all of my clothes, our entire basement kitchen. We also had smoke damage throughout the rest of our house.
I'm high school my friend and I would heat up washcloths to rub our shins after track and instead of 30 sec we accidentally did 30 min in the microwave and walked away.
My MIL put the cover that goes over food in the microwave, on the gas stove. Somehow she turned the stove on and didn't know. She went into the living room and saw something red flickering on the wall, went into the kitchen and it was on fire.
Set kitchen on fire trying to make Crustos from Taco Time. Waiting for grease to boil. Fire from pan going straight up. Turned fan on to blow it out but it sucked it up into attic. Called friend instead of 911. Her mom said to open all the windows in house. Smoke damage thru whole house had to live in hotel for 2 months while kitchen was remodeled.
my 8yr old put an Arby's sandwich in the microwave WITH the tin foil wrapper!! Caught on fire in the microwave. My son saved the day, opened the microwave and through water on it. She was so scared, she said "mom I almost burned the house down"
after taking ambien put sons pj's in the microwave to warm up. Tshirt caught on fire. Didn't realize I did this until next day when opened the towel drawer and the burnt tshirt was in there. Blaming it on my kids when they told me what happened.
came home, opened the garage door that's attached to the kitchen. Saw the whole top of the stove on fire. The house we lived in had the paper towel holder over the stove and it had fallen onto the stove while we were cooking. Yelled for the hubs who was downstairs changing the laundry over to get the fire extinguisher while yelling PULL AIM SQUEEZE SWEEP (P.A.S.S.) thank you work for drilling that into our heads lol!!!
my mom left a McDonald's bag next to a lit candle under the cut boards.. pretty sure she did it on purpose because she wanted a kitchen remodel haha