we got a "marriage tips" book for our wedding. When we opened the front cover it said "best wishes... (names of the people that gave it to us)."
I'm not kidding...wife AGAIN...her brother gave me something that I decided to regift instead of using since he lives in FL and he wouldn't know. At the party, "Didn't my brother give that to you?!?" Again, my own nervous laughter...left the room. I'm surprised I go out anymore.
I think it's really tacky. And unthoughtful. My mother-in-law re gifts everything. Nothing fills intentional or personal and honestly I would just rather she gives me nothing.
We received a beautiful crystal punch bowl set for our wedding from my (ex) husband's aunt. Inside it had a card that had been addressed to the aunt for HER wedding. Oops!
one of my friends gave me a Christmas gift last year and her 4 Y/O son flat out said...aunt Becca just gave that to you!
My in laws regift all the gifts we give to them. They regift them back to us!
we gave our friends a drinking board game one year and sure enough they brought it to a Christmas party we threw. It was their white elephant gift for our gift exchange game. I opened it and it Was awkward.
We got a large photo frame for a wedding gift, but they forgot to remove all the Christmas wrapping paper before they wrapped it in wedding paper!