didn't tell anyone I bought a truck because I know the moving requests will start coming
my husband had a calling for our church to help prepare move and one couple wanted us to stay and clean after we helped move them!!
so we got there at seven in the morning to help these people move and the guy goes "I guess we should get some boxes"
I'm the person always asking for help moving. My poor family have moved me 9 times in 8 years. Point taken
helped my sis in law 3 times in last 5 yrs. we show up for moving day and nothing is boxed. Told them, next time that nothing boxed = no help.
my aunt recruited us to help her move a couple years ago but forgot to mention & was hiding the fact that she is a compulsive hoarder. So. Many. Boxes.
ex was moving out of his apt & he asked me to help. When I stopped by on moving day NOTHING was packed. & he complained I only helped for 6 hours!
My cousin asked if my bf could help with heavy stuff, he ended up being there for 4 hours helping them pack!
I'm a realtor. I have clients try to trick me all the time. Couple of tricky folks guilted me into it.
my husband and I have moved 4 times in 3 years. my husbands friends have been so good to help us and never complained anytime. Until this last time
my sis in law is a single mom so she expects us to help. "When will u be here?" Ugh
I have a very small group of friend and I'm the only one with a truck. I get called all the time to help people move. When it was my turn to move, no one helps
Helped my in laws move twice and they never returned the favor to help us move. Never again!
got sucked into helping my dad move twice. Both times, they packed nothing up. Just grab and go.
When asked, "What are you up to on Saturday?", my auto reply - "Hey I may have to help my dad with something...why what's up?" Then I always have an out.