#GoodNews: A Homeless Hero

(Maine) Liz Fuller-Wright was devastated last week when her 3-year-old son Will’s first bicycle was stolen from outside a Walgreens while they were out on his very first ride. When police shared security footage of the thief hoping to find the bike, a homeless woman saw the post and felt compelled to act.

The anonymous woman, who is living in her car, used her limited funds to purchase an identical bike and delivered it to the Police station. The police department's update on the story has led to $1,200 in donations to help the woman get back on her feet.

Liz was deeply moved by the woman's selfless act. "She gave so much so generously to a little boy she'd never met, never known. Because she wanted him to be happy. She wanted him to have faith in humanity." 

Full story HERE.

Corrigan, J. (2023, April 10). "She Wanted Him to Have Faith in Humanity." Maine woman who is homeless replaces child's stolen bike. WMTW. Retrieved April 11, 2023, from https://www.wmtw.com/article/maine-woman-homeless-anonymously-replaces-bike-stolen-child/43539419#

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