Recent satellite photos show just how low the water levels have gotten at Lake Powell, reported 12 News. The images show a comparison of the photos from 2018 to 2022, and the difference is honestly astounding.
Lake Powell is a massive reservoir that provides water for millions of people, along with hydropower electricity. Last month, that reservoir dropped to "critically-low levels."
The European Space Agency's Earth Observation posted the two photos on Twitter back to back. ESA Earth Observation wrote:
"After decades of drought, water levels in #LakePowell, the second-largest human made reservoir in the #US, have shrunk to its lowest level since it was created more than 50 years ago."
Check out the photos below:
ESA Earth Observation posted another comparison of Bullfrog Marina between March 2018 and March 2022. Once again, the comparison is staggering.
ESA Earth Observation wrote, "Dry conditions are unmistakable in the image captures on 18 March 2022."