Carmelite Nuns of Utah Fundraiser

Mid Distance Of Nuns

Since 1953, we have held a community fundraiser which has now evolved into the Carmelite Fair. We love organizing this event and look forward to gathering as a community each year; however, due to the Covid-19 pandemic we must prioritize your health and safety and cancel the 2020 Carmelite Fair, postponing until September 2021.

Not only will we miss seeing your lovely faces this year, but we also face the difficulty of the loss of funds raised at the event which is our main source of income for the maintenance of the monastery, medical expenses, house expenses, chaplaincy, and most importantly, support our life’s vocation of contemplative prayer for the Church and world.

We are truly humbled to be a part of this incredible community and do not make this request lightly. We understand the desperate times faced by everyone during the Covid-19 pandemic and have been praying fervently for the world’s well-being. This fundraiser has been created to allow us to continue our mission without the Fair. We are deeply grateful for any donation made.

You can also support our work by purchasing our homemade jams, candies, and other goods directly through our website And mark your calendars for September 2021 when the Fair will again take place at our monastery in Holladay.

Want to learn more about the Carmelite Nuns, our history in Utah and work? Visit,

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