"My family is doing a charity haunted house in Kaysville Utah, the proceeds go to help the students at Mountian High School in Kaysville with different school programs. Mountain High is an alternative high school and they need the communities to help. Last year they had over 800 people and this year we are looking to double that number. I was wondering if you could give them a shoutout? The haunted house is open the 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th, 31st and it is open from 6 to 10. The cost is ten dollars a person and it's located 200N, 500E in Kaysville. The neat thing about this haunted house is the Mountian High Students are involved and love scaring people. Last year we made the student homemade meals and they said they couldn't remember the last time they had a homecooked meal. This event has helped keep the kids busy after school and they have been working on the house for weeks. We are doing everything we can to make this event successful for these kids. Also, the haunted house is around my brother-in-law's house but it has over 20 sections and dozens of people scaring. It's located in Kaysville at 200 North and 500 East. Here is the facebook and website."