used 1996 Kia sephia. Bought when I was 16 at a local dealership
turned 16 in 2001 and I drove a 1986 Chevy Astro van it was awesome
1984 dodge colt, silver/blue bought from my brother for $600
Used 2007 Kia spectra when I was 18. I couldn't fill the tank up all the way or the engine would stall and shut off
1963 Dodge Dart paid $136 from a buddy it ran great.
1992 Grand Jeep Cherokee limited edition my uncle sold it to me 10 years ago when I graduated high school for 1000
86 and a half Toyota Supra
94 chevy cavalier- I was 15 when my parents bought it. it was a stick shift and I was terrified to learn to drive it.
i was 16 when my parents bought me a 91 pathfinder
Orange Pinto from my grandparents
1979 toyota tercel used and you could start it with a fork!
16.5 84 baby blue Chevy cavalier used from aunt. It barely made it up hill
Used Marion Datsun b210 station wagon... 14 yrs old
67 convertible firebird bought it for 75.00
Got my license in 1993. Had an 1989 Hyundai from my grandma. Rolled it down Farmington canyon.
1985 Toyota Cressida. I got it when I was 15 in 2000.
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