TEXT TOPIC: Did someone parent shame you?

parent shame. My kid dropped the F bomb. I gave her cold chicken nuggets and she simply said "mama why the fuck is this cold?" In our home it's just words. We were at my sisters and the judges from my family 😂 she's 4 trying to teach her where it should be used

I am parent shamed by my best friend all the time because I don't hit my kid when she does something bad. I get down to her level and talk to her about it. My friends kid is terrible and acts out all the time my kid doesn't really act out and of she does she listens better than my friends kid

I was shamed because I decided to stop breastfeeding/ pumping at 3 months. My son ended up getting 4 months worth of breast milk. I could've kept going with breastfeeding him but it was hard on me. He has done great with formula. People need to remember that fed is best.

every frikkin time my 15 year old bonus kid opens his mouth I feel the need to explain that I didn't meet him til he was 10. He loves to say stuff💩 just to get a reaction

My son grew up an only child, I wasn't able to have more. While he was growing up other moms in the church group would always say things like "you wouldn't know you're not a real mom because you only have one" he's 34, but it still stings.

I am a working mom- I always got asked "when I was going to stay home and take care of my kids. So they aren't raise by a daycare"

shamed for letting my daughter eat dessert along with her dinner and "pushing" new foods on her...no stress on me because she eats all her dinner all the time and last food she tried was lobster and I ended up eating her chicken tenders and she enjoyed my lobster

my parenting was judged by my f-in-law. Overheard him tell his daughter I have a tight leash on my son. didn't realize I was sitting right by where they were walking. My son is developmentally delayed and didn't want to go down a water slide cause he was scared and I said he didn't have to if he didn't want to. My f-in-law doesn't take no for an answer, so therefore=tight leash?

I would get dirty looks & told I tortured my baby girl for getting her ears pierced when she was a couple of months old. For us is a cultural thing and I didn't understand why people felt the need to judge. Mind your business people.

had 5 kids in 5 years. Wasn't in the plan and people always gave me crap for having my kids so close. Every time I would go out when they were little people would always stare

parent shame. My daughter has autism and use to struggle with check out aisle. Close spaces and such. I had to do a store run and had to take her. She screamed and cried and nothing was helping. A person in front of us kept turning around and tried to make silly faces and such but she doesn't like strangers made it worst. They said "it seems like she needs a mothers touch" stating at me and I simply said "it looks like she needs space and strangers to mind their business" They turned around.

my kids are home alone often. We have several ways of making sure they are ok. Utah is a "range free" kids state and I'm still worried about people calling CPS on me.

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