TEXT TOPIC: You won't let your kids do something, and people give you flack

I get so much crap for not allowing my kids to drink soda. Soda is just pumping sugar through your system, so it baffles me that I'm the bad guy for not wanting my kids to partake!

I won't buy a gaming system for my 6 year old. I get people all the time telling me I just need to do it because he'd love it...I know which is why I'm keeping it out of my house for as long as possible! Let him be a kid sheesh

we don't let our kids have sleepovers at friends. They can stay at our place, but I was sexually molested, and this is me trying to protect my kids

We will not allow SpongeBob in our house at all.

my daughter has wanted a pooping flamingo for the last 2 years.for Christmas. I'm NOT buying a toy that poops

we have our kids check in their phones at night, they ask why when they're not gonna be on it but I asked them why doesn't it matter then if you're not gonna be on it. The check-in station is in our bedroom

not having my kids in the LDS Church one side of the family does not understand and is always making comments.

I do t let my kids have their phones/tablets in their room at night. Everything has to be in my room charging by 9pm weekdays and 10pm weekends. Even though they are locked I feel to much temptation if they had them during sleep time

We got a lot of flack for not allowing our children to watch Sesame Street and SpongeBob. We always felt like they never taught "proper English" on Sesame Street, like cookie monster with his "Me, want cookie". Who talks like that? And SpongeBob for obvious reasons.

We are not big on Santa. We chose to focus on the "real reason for the season" our Lord and Savior

I won't allow my girls to pierce their ears until they are 8 or older. I want them to learn to take care of their bodies and nice things. I have nothing against babies with earrings but I want my girls to hold that innocence a little longer.

We don't let our kid stay up late. She has a bedtime. She's only 10 months, she goes to bed at 6 pm because we wake up early for work and day care. People always get on us and say just let her stay up! No! Let us parent!

I don't allow social media until 18, no cell phones until 16. It's hard for my kids @school, but their brains mean more to me than their social status

We don't allow electronics in the house for the little ones. I feel too many parents use those as baby sitters

won't let my 19.5 yr old drink, she respects us and chooses not to and doesn't go out as much as young adults because she is tired of all the kids her age smoking/vaping and drinking and pressuring her to do it

i don't allow you tube in my house. My kids can not watch it. I don't care if it's a "family" Channels. It's not real life they only show the good. Hate toy Channels. To many things to click on

We've known that our son was going to be left-handed from an early age. We got flack from my BIL and SIL at about 1, saying we needed to train him to be right, because we would have to get left handed guns and other things.

No fornite. Messes with little kids brains per our child therapist

My son is 6 I don't buy candy or guns or any type of weapon He has a bed time, no play with cellphone or any dum game. He can't watch SpongeBob or anything that is not appropriate for his age. He can only play Learning games. And i don't let him Where any clothes with characters cartoon P.J. mask or Spider-Man and Batman stuff like that

Don't like Roblox. Any game that has a chat feature. Too many creepers out there. All my sons friends play but I refuse I tried it a couple times but it's not a good idea

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