TEXT TOPIC: Are you hiding your snacks?

Hiding my little Debbie goodies from my kids but I went to get one yesterday one was gone time to find a new hiding spot! ??

my hubby takes a sleeping pill that is used to stimulate appetite in the elderly usually but 2 hours after taking he eats EVERYTHING! It's so annoying. The kids and I hide a lot of things. He will eat a whole package of something in one sitting.

I have to hide pretty much everything my stepson is 6 foot four and he eats everything he'll eat a whole party size bag of chips in one sitting and it's a peanut butter out of the jar I get so upset

Candied Pralines

oh absolutely!!! I'm 29 weeks pregnant and all I crave is sugar. My husband hates how much how of I eat and gives me so much crap for eating it so I hide all of it at work! This mama needs her candy!!!

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