TEXT TOPIC: Did you have a vehicle crash into your house?

We live at the top of the circle right off of Creek Road. There was A driver that fell asleep on Creek Road, drove all the way up our circle, into our driveway going about 30 miles an hour, and slammed into our concrete wall. She caused a significant damage and she was trying to hurry and back her car out to get away, but our Brazilian cleaning lady stomped out there and stopped her (we were lucky she was there because she only came once a week for a couple of hours). She stood behind her car and then stole her keys until we got home and called the police ha ha. Best cleaning lady ever

live in a basement apartment just went into the bedroom and heard a big crash, the people above us full speed backed into our kitchen. They tried to claim it was because my husband was parked a little bit in their parking spot. All brick complex ya that was fun a month of construction

a car came straight through our kitchen window and landed on top of our table. A little boy had climbed into the car while it was running and hit the gas pedal

my dad has been sober for 12 yrs now but it took him driving his car into our own house to get him there

Knock on the door by police at 2am in Dec. Drunk driver slid across our driveway & took out a portion of our rock wall. Missed our garage by inches.

a couple weeks ago I just got home heard tires screech and a crash a car was up on my neighbors lawn up to the door. And the girl was wailing. She was drunk and underage but my neighbor was so calm and so kind to her as she was so clearly upset and having a bad night

My mom takes care of a lawn located on our Main Street. This week she decided to sweep out her truck before she headed over. In the meantime a drunk driver drove through that front yard and into the house!! So glad she took a little longer that morning!!!

parents had car crash into their fence. I had a coworker that knew the girl that crashed, and she was addicted to pills. I was telling my mom this and no joke a few min later the lady shows up and asks my mom for med for her child! My mom said no

had a neighbor on ambian and alcohol drive into our yard, got stuck partway in the fence. We woke up to a thick fog at 3am and saw he had burned out both tires. Police arrived and he said he was going to the bishops house.

ex husband new wife mixed up brake&gas drove thru front door of the daughter daycare pinned a kid

my brother had a bus go through is yard and shed in pleasant grove driver had health issues

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