Charity: Can You Help?

Venmo: @help_michelle

"My sister, Michelle, started April 20th like any other day in the life of a loving wife, supportive mother of 3 and proud grandma to one baby girl, Charlie Rose. Who knew that a wobbly walk on the lawn would result in a sprained ankle that day and turn into frequent ER visits with unanswered questions for the next 2 months until her normal changed for good? Michelle is a fighter and has been silently battling 2 diseases - Fabry and MS - for over four decades, but these last weeks have felt like another lifetime. It was confirmed by an MRI that Michelle has 2 large lesions, one on each side of her brain, that has caused her to loose her ability to speak, to balance, to walk only with assistance and the loss of memory and cognitive function in her brain that came in just a matter of weeks. She has a very long road to recovery. Her home is not equipped for the drastic lifestyle changes that have occurred. We want to give her a better quality of life in her home while she fights to overcome these obstacles. Of course, there are doctor bills that have and will continue to flow in, but an immediate concern is to get a fully functioning bathroom so her knight in shining armor, Jimmy, can better assist her bathing and hygiene needs. Please feel free to donate any amount whether it’s $5, $50 or $500 every little bit helps to reach the final goal for Michelle. Thank you so very much for your time, love, understanding, and donation. This amazing family has served so many without hesitation and we want to do the same for them. Please share on your social media accounts so others can bless their lives, too. Thank you so very much!!!"

Photo: Getty Images

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