What Code Yellow Level Means for Utah During the Cornavirus Outbreak

Most of Utah will move to a “Low Risk” yellow level on May 16th during the Coronavirus outbreak. The following areas will remain in the orange "moderate-risk phase: Grand County, Summit County, Wasatch County, Salt Lake City and West Valley City.


Under the “Low Risk” Yellow level, here are some guidelines from the State of Utah.


High-risk individuals

High-risk individuals operate under stricter instructions because they are more likely to suffer severe illness from COVID-19.


Groups of 50 or fewer

Social gatherings in groups of 50 while maintaining social distancing.


6 Feet

Maintain social distancing in public settings.

Face coverings

Face coverings should be worn when social distancing is difficult to maintain.



Symptom check prior to team sport competitions or practices.



Pools open with social distancing.


Entertainment & Events

6-foot distance between household groups at events & entertainment venues.



All businesses open and take responsible precautions.



Dine-in service open with appropriate social distancing and hygiene measures.


CLICK HERE to download the full set of color-coded Health guidelines.



PHOTO: Getty Images

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