COVID-19 Response regarding Sexual Assault, Rape & Domestic Violence

COVID-19 Response regarding Sexual Assault, Rape & Domestic Violence Wasatch Forensic Nurses is available to provide medical forensic care to any person who has experienced sexual assault, rape or interpersonal violence.

Wasatch Forensic Nurses are a dedicated team of mobile nurses who respond to emergency departments in Salt Lake, Utah, Wasatch and Summit Counties. We have nurses available to respond if a victim of sexual assault, rape and/or interpersonal violence requests a medical forensic exam. We coordinate response with local law enforcement agencies and hospitals. We know that interpersonal violent crimes such as sexual assault, rape and domestic violence do not stop just because there is a pandemic taking place. In fact, it’s been shown these crimes increase during times of crisis, however, reporting goes down. It is critical that survivors of these crimes receive professional, compassionate, timely care and collection of forensic evidence. The care our nurses provide will ensure that a survivor is healthy and our nurses work with medical providers ensuring patients receive prophylactic medications which minimize the risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and any other necessary medical care to help patients begin the process of healing. While we understand not everyone may be comfortable responding to an emergency department, during this time, we have clinic settings available in Salt Lake and Utah Counties. To request an exam please contact your local hospital or law enforcement agency. If you would like more information about this topic, please call Dana Thomas at (801)643-4660 or email

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