TEXT TOPIC: Grateful Thursday!! What or who are you grateful?

thankful my husband & I still have our jobs & I can work from home every other day.

first time in a long time I was grateful to pay my utilities bill. Because I CAN.

grateful my husbands job is considered an essential business! Also grateful for Firefighters & first responders like my dad transporting covid patience.

I''m grateful for my mom. She was taking care of my father during his illness. He passed away last week due to his illness. She faced time all of me and my siblings so we could say our good byes. This virus didn''t stop us from saying bye

last year my work got bought out by a corporation and I''ve hated it. Right now I''m thankful for it though because we''re getting hit really hard right now and they approved us to do improvement projects around the building to help compensate for some of the cut hours right now rather than letting people struggle more.

Hey listener bill here. I changed the battery in my Camry remote haha. Thank you guys for all that you do and holding me accountable

grateful for another day

Grateful for video calling so I can still see my family even though I can't physically be with them.

I''m grateful for my husband. Love you sugar. I''m grateful for my business that can continue to operate. I''m grateful for lotsa tots daycare- for they love and kindness and willingness to help and serve.

obviously my daughter's and husband but also my doctor who does teleconference. I have to see my doc every other month, so very grateful!

my husband Ula (Oola) and our jobs.

grateful for my hubby's essential job, my awesome kids, and my home gym!

So blessed and grateful that I still have my job and the health of my family #GODISGOOD

I am so grateful to have a job and for waking up everyday to a beautiful world we live in!

grateful for my amazing job, ability to work from home + work gave $1200 bonus to help

I am great full that I am an essential employee at Shriners Hospital and am still employed oven though things have changed and its weird I am so great full

I'm grateful that I have the ability to work from home, I am also grateful for my mom who still takes my girls and my husband who keeps me sane.

I''m grateful for the my hubby & I still have our jobs and our health because being pregnant now is terrifying. Also grateful for my neighbors willing to go to the store for us just to keep us safe! And of course you guys!! Working from home would be lonely without your voices!!

grtfl 4 u 3 & enough tp. U guys being live is very integral part of my mental health & I can't thank u enough u make me laugh/feel important. LuvU

thankful for my hubby I had a miscarriage yesterday after 2 years of infertility. He's been my rock.

Grateful for our teachers! Home schooling is no joke! I have more love for all teachers! Rhonda

grateful for technology my kids play over FaceTime now. Also my job I do meter reading and will always have a job #essential

thankful for my daycare. Even though she closed due to risk for her family and to the other families, she still does zoom meetings for the kids and she does some of their normal routine activities. She also provides activities for the kids to do while their away

Grateful for my hard working husband! And so grateful for my teenagers! They keep me laughing and TikToking!!

I am grateful I had enough money to buy my boyfriend's dad some groceries so he doesn't have to go out

I''m grateful for my friends Karina and Melanie for FaceTime me while I shopped for my wedding dress

Grateful for my kids. My husband and I are still able to work and our kids have been rockstars at staying on task with school and exercising each day. And I come home to a clean house every day.

grateful that I have a job no matter what and they are letting us work 2 days a week in the office and paying us for a full weeks worth of work

Grateful for Jess' memes. Girls you are saving me with laughter . #tigerkingforever

grateful for my health. Have a kidney disease & don't want Coronavirus. Stay home safe

thankful my fianc and I are able to move our wedding up to THIS WEEKEND!!!! It will just be the two of us and my boys. 

Grateful for the family that adopted me in California after being in foster care from age 8-15.

so grateful for my cousin who brought me a sunshine basket this week. Partly for my bday and partly cause it''s been rough week. Thankful for my sis for watching my kid, we were suppose to start ABA therapy but everything is closed so she is watching her until it gets back to normal.

I'm grateful to live in Magna. A community so strong and full of love. Where you see a lit up "C" to remind you that you are loved.

grateful for being able to stay safe at home with my kid & work from home. I have a compromised immune system.

soo grateful for the good that is coming out of this pandemic! I think if we look really close, there''s so much good! Also grateful for the men and women overseas and the ones fighting this new war no knows how to fight!

I'm so grateful for my rockstar students and their parents for all they're doing to keep the learning going.

I'm thankful to those who stay home. I'm an essential worker and I have two 3 month old twins that I'm trying to protect.

grateful for my amazing students who are still working so hard from home! I miss their sweet faces!!

Thankful for you three keeping our routine normal. And the people that comply with social distancing when visiting essential locations. Especially while waiting in line.

SO grateful for CBD oil. It has helped with my anxiety!

thankful that I still have a job and with that I''m thankful my wife and daughter are healthy and safe even tho I have to go to work everyday they support me

thankful my work gave me ten days paid leave to quarantine and they are also giving employees a 1000 bonus to help get through the tough times

thankful for the free online yoga/workout classes from the University of Utah @uofucampusrec.

grateful for my creepy van! I deliver supplies and this van runs 13 hrs non stop every day. Shout out, much love drivers!!

Grateful that I get to deliver water especially during this time.

Thankful for the crossing guards. They are still out crossing our kids to make sure they are getting their breakfast and lunches safely.

grateful for you guys and your show... having a husband and all 3 of my kids working in Healthcare right now-the stress is High.. so Thank you for being on the air! I''dyou guys!

seems strange but I''m grateful my husband got laid off. He was in contact with many people each day. I''m a transplant recipient and high risk. Livesare more precious than jobs.

Photo: Getty Images

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