TEXT TOPIC: Family member ruin something while you are working from home?

when I first started working from home, my first two days I came downstairs to my computer and found all of my plugs to the computer laptop docking station unplugged by one of my coworker that were mad at me--update docking station and everything unplugged. Kid was mad because I took his phone away. As a consequence

my daughter got on my laptop and closed my design program. Lost 3 hours of work

My wife yelling questions/saying swear words while I'm on a video work call! Really????

My coworker "Chloe the Queen cat" walked across my work laptop & made some weird error messages come up. Thankfully, I was able to get out of them& no permanent problems.

not all of us can have kids, but I was on a conference call my dog was snoring really loud, I explained to my boss if u hear snoring its my dog!

just recently started working from home. I call and talk to patients over the phone. My 2 year old daughter walked in during a call and yelled "eww it''s kaka" in the middle of a patient call

My coworker won''t Stop barking out the window and licking his butt! My other coworker keeps asking what''s for lunch and it just barely was breakfast and wants to know if there are more Cheetos anywhere? WTF?

Photo: Getty Images

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