TEXT TOPIC: Is there something you need to fix but you just live with it?

part of my routine is my driver side car door will not open from the inside so I have to roll the window down to get out of my car

kitchen sink. Cold is hot and the hot is cold.

My drivers side window won t go down anymore. So I have to open my door if I go through the Drive-Thru. It s been that way for 3years.

for many years growing up the shower knob would always fall off so my dad just put vise grips on it to turn it on/off and adjust temp instead of fixing it.

my car remote no battery for 8 months! Both my tv remotes held together by tape and rubber bands all in all about a 20 fix for all 3 but I''ll just keep taping it

Area rug in my living room has a loose thread that I keep intending to sew back in. Instead I tuck it under each day so the vacuum doesn't destroy it.

my garbage disposal is dead which impacts my dishwasher. Been washing dishes by hand for 4 months now. Need to stop procrastination getting a new garbage disposal lol

have a light switch that will turn the tv off.

you don't use the remote start before unlocking the doors my alarm goes off

We have a dishwasher but it barely does the only job that it was made for because it s 25 years old. So we call it a dish sanitizer.

We have a 2003 Honda van that one of the side door locks won't lock or unlock. Been broke for 10+ years.

changing the battery for my Camry remote! Multiple times a day I get in and out of my car and have manually unlock and lock the doors. I absolutely hate it but continually do it haha... goal today? Change the battery! Loyal listener Bill

We have to jiggle the toilet handle when we flush or else the water will run for HOURS.

broke my windshield wiper squirter in the last snow storm, it's fine. It's all fine. I only need one side anyway.

the shower in the kids bath room doesnt get warm... so they just shower in our bathroom

none of my car windows roll down except my drivers side. So if we ever stop to say hi to someone we have to open doors.

our dryer is making a rattle sound every time we use it. It's annoying but we have been dealing with it for 2 months

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