Secret Santa Visits - 2019

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Nomination letter:

My sister who is 35 and a single parent of 5 just found out her 15 year old daughter has cancer in her left thigh and it is a rare cancer called epithelioid soft tissue sarcoma she was diagnosed on 10/17/19 1 week before her birthday 10/24/04 further testing has shown that the cancer has manifested its self to 2 different areas in her lung. Alyssa has chronic pain and my sister needs to be with her taking care of her through these hard times. She is a full time employee at amazon fulfillment center and was currently approved for FMLA which is basically just job protection. She has missed so much work to make sure she’s getting Alyssa to all her treatments mean while still trying to take care of her other children and maintain enough hours to at least pay her last few months of rent. But is not going to be able to give her kids the Christmas they deserve and would love to see her kids at least have one good Christmas as a family. She loves her kids and is a great mommy and i know this would mean a lot to her and her children in this hard time . God is good we believe in the power of prayer and we are praying that you could help us and our family this Christmas.


Nomination letter:

My twin sister Christina's family suffered two devastating losses this year. Her husband Wyatt's father went missing for almost a week in Euerka in June. They ended up finding him by a horse pasture and he had passed away. It turns out he went looking for scrap metal and his truck got stuck in a ditch. He tried to get it out and couldn’t. His phone died and so he started walking. They didn’t know he was missing until 3 days had already passed. The search and rescue team searched for a week to find him. Almost 6 miles away a girl went to feed her horses and found him laying against her fence. He had walked all night and day they think and possibly had a heart attack because he hadn’t taken his medicine all week. They family was devastated to say the least. He did have a life insurance policy so that paid for some of the funeral and cremation. They were all close to him, especially Wyatt’s sister, Shayna. They worried about her because she had been sober from drug use for a few years and worried she would relapse. She was engaged to a great guy for years and they planned on getting married and he had just found out they were approved to get a house. After almost a month later from losing his dad, Wyatt was fishing with his friend and a sheriff located him to tell him his sister Shayna had passed away from an accidental overdose. They were beside themselves having to deal with another death and another funeral after they just picked up Wyatt’s dads ashes. They were forced to pay for another funeral. They got some donations to pay for her funeral and they paid for the rest. They decided since his dads ashes hadn’t been buried yet, they would put them in Shayna’s casket so they could be together. Their family has been through so much losing 2 family members in such a short time so close together. I just want them to have a great Christmas and not have to worry about gifts and stuff.



Nomination letter:

Constance has had a super hard life, She has battled with a heroin addiction for the past thirteen years. She has four children because she takes care of all by herself. A year ago on October 1st 2018 Child Protective Services removed her children from her home and put them in foster care due to her addiction. Over the past year Constance has worked super hard to show DCFS that she wants to change her life. Constance has can you clean a year as of November 9th 2019 she also regained custody of all four of her children back on October 2nd 2019 over the past 13 years Constance has never been able to get any clean time pull together this is the first time ever that she's been able to be clean and she has been for the last year she lives in a small two-bedroom apartment with four children and works two jobs putting in anywhere from 70-80 hours a week just to pay the rent and all the bills she also has to pay $350 a month to go to her drug treatment that she attends three nights a week I have to say that I'm super proud of Constance in all that she's accomplished. When Child Protective Services takes your children away the odds of getting them back or 1 and 3 and Constance beat those odds because of her hard work and dedication and love for her children. This year Constance won't be able to provide Christmas for her children because all the money she makes goes to the bills and for her drug treatment because she won't let anything get in front of her staying clean so she can be a good mother for her children I nominate Constance to receive the Secret Santa so she can give her kids the best Christmas they deserve I have to say that I gave up hope on Constance a year ago when she lost her children but she has shown all of us the woman she really is and the mother She is. If there's anybody in this world that deserves a Secret Santa it's Constance she has shown true dedication and making a better life for her and her children and kicking this addiction in the butt.


Phil and Jeanette

Nomination letter:

My friends Phil and Jeanette could really use some help this Christmas.  About two years ago the state stepped in and removed Phil's great niece and two nephews from their parents custody due to drug use. The parents never really tried to regain custody and this August Phil and Jeanette adopted the three children. That alone was a big adjustment because Phil and Jeanette's children are grown and essentially Phil and Jeanette have started over raising kids. Phil stays home during the days as his father lives with them and is in the early stages of dementia. Jeanette, works and works and works. Sometimes working a 12 hour day shift, getting off work at 6 p.m. coming home, sleeping for a few hours and then working the graveyard shift in an attempt to make ends meet. Recently, because of the extra costs of having 3 additional mouths to feed, and 3 additional bodies to clothe, there have been some bills being juggled or put off just to ensure needs are met. This family would give their shirts off their back to another and at this time it is them that need the help and because the situation is so overwhelming and everyone else’s life are hectic as well, they would never ask for the help we all know they need.


Creed and Ashtyn

Nomination letter:

Creed and Ashtyn Buhler - along with their 4 boys, were involved in a serious side-by-side RzR accident on October 14, 2019

 Ashtyn was 38 weeks pregnant and was life flighted to a Hospital in Pocatello where they performed an emergency c-section to deliver the new baby boy. The baby is healthy and doing well. 

Their 4 year old sustained a broken arm and broken leg.  The mother Ashtyn is still in rehab with a tramatic brain injury. Creed and extended family have been taking care of the newborn baby and 4 little boys under the age of 10. They do not know how much longer their mom will be in treatment as her recovery has been very slow.  This family needs help and would be very deserving of a Secret Santa visit.



Nomination letter:

I have known Mayra for about a year, since I started working with her husband Tanner. Mayra and Tanner were a sweet young couple with a little baby named William. In January, William started losing weight and after multiple scares at primary children's, he underwent surgery for stomach cancer. Mayra and Tanner experienced pain and stress no parents should ever have to endure. As if this weren't enough, in November of this year Tanner passed away unexpectedly at age 25,l Mayra without a husband and sweet William without a father. We are all hurting from the loss of Tanner, but no one more than Mayra. I can't imagine all that this sweet young woman is going through and i just want to take away some of her stress by helping with the holidays. 



Nomination letter:

Harry is my 14 year grandson who recently went through a traumatic experience. He found his brother Nevin in their room unconscious and not breathing. I am writing to you because Harry was a hero that night. He immediately called 911 and his mother (who was on a date). He protected his little brothers by having them play in their room until I was able to get there. 

Unfortunately, 10 days after this accident Nevin was removed from life support and passed away. Harry never left his side at Primary Children's. Harry spent the 10 days concerned for not only his brother but his parents and grandparents; always checking to make sure everyone else was okay. 

Harry has had trouble sleeping since finding his brother and he just recently was able to go back to school. Harry's mother is struggling with losing her first born son but has been a wonderful support for Harry, Jude and Dean. She has not been able to go back to work and they had to move from the condo where the accident happened. She continues to drive Harry and the twins to school in Woods Cross so they did not have to change schools. 

Harry loves music and plays the trumpet and has earned a seat on the wind ensemble at his Junior High. 

I am so very proud of the young man Harry has become and know that life has changed for our entire family. 

I want him to know that he has his family support as well as community support. This time of the year is difficult on a normal basis but with the loss of Nevin heavy on our hearts I just want Harry to smile a little this Christmas.



Nomination letter:

Jennifer Beurbe is an amazing woman that has fought Cancer and one the battle once and now is facing fighting the battle of cancer again.

She is a single mom with three kids her oldest daughter is 13, son is 12 and youngest daughter is 8 years old.

They all were younger when she fought cancer the first time and she won the battle once and sadly is facing the “C” word again.

Jennifer, really needs the help with Christmas, and I am hoping this will bring a little light and a moment of happiness to their home.

Jennifer, has won this fight once and now has her boxing gloves on for a second time and is more fierce than ever.

Thank you, for taking the time to read this and considering bringing light and relief to this family during such a hard trial.



Nomination letter:

My sweet Best Friend Alexa Winther was called back to Heaven on November 5, 2019 from complications due to her pregnancy. She gave her life for her beautiful daughter, Mia Alexa Winther.

Alexa leaves behind the love of her life, Erik Winther, as well as her precious daughter, Mia.

Mia Survived but was thought to be in the hospital for a month despite all odds this miracle baby after only two weeks of being in the hospital was released home!

Alexa loved life. Her smile would light up a room. She was kind and would help anyone. Family and friends were very important to her, and she loved them unconditionally. She succeeded at being a wonderful wife. Her family & friends are grateful she found her wonderful, supportive husband Erik and that she will be an Angel Mother to her daughter Mia.

Erik Winther is a very dear friend of ours, Erik is very overwhelmed with financial stress.

Alexa was my very best friend me & my husband just went on a couples trip with the newlyweds to Disneyland this past summer.

My husband & I want to help lift any burdens & stress off of Erik at this time & help provide a wonderful Christmas for Dad & Baby.

Ashley and Josh

Nomination letter:

In September my cousin Josh was driving home from work when he was hit head on by someone driving under the influence. This resulted in Josh being in the ICU for 2 months in critical condition. He still has not recovered and continues his rehabilitation in the hospital. Their hospital bills have grown to well over a million dollars. Because the driver did not have insurance it has created a huge financial strain on their family. Josh, not being able to work has had to sell their home, which has disrupted their family and friend support system and the daily routine their children were used to. Ashley's parents in Wyoming have helped with childcare while she has been living in Salt Lake with my aunt, supporting Josh through his painful physical and emotional healing. Ashley is able to work remotely but on one income anything non-essential has been difficult to obtain. Ashley has profoundly impressed me with the strength she has kept through all of this. When they had to sell their home Ashley said "home is where her family is". Which for now means juggling a family in two places while supporting my cousin. While life as they knew it will never be the same Josh's family is what gives him strength as he heals and faces his daily challenges. Even though they have very little, they celebrate any moments together even when it’s by Josh's hospital bed. While Christmas magic is not entirely about things. I would like to nominate my cousin's family to help provide Josh, Ashley and their two young children with even a small Christmas to bring joy into this ongoing challenge in their lives.

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