TEXT TOPIC: What happened that made you feel old?

What happened that made you feel old?

when the song from Top Gun came on(the volleyball scene) at work and I said "name that movie" my co workers didn’t even know or had even seen TOP GUN!! What??!! #IFEELOLD

I was setting up our old tv to watch a VHS with my little brother, as I was rewinding the movie to the beginning, he asked me why I don''t just push the Menu button. It didn''t hit me that I''m 24 until that very moment lol

I snapped a photo of my new couch covers and sent to my 20 yearold sister who then snapped back a video of her partying with herfriends. It was in that moment that I realized I was no longer cool, I''m 31

started feeling old when I started working in HR and doing the hiring. I have been hiring people born in 2009 is just blowing my mind. I''m only 27but I feel like I''m 50 all of a sudden

my boys asked me to play basketball with them in a rec league. I played college ball, we went 0-8 time to retire

I worked for a kneaders and was trying to explain how our citrus cannoli tasted to a group of teens I told Them it tasted like a chocolate orange they looked at me with a blank expression. I then said to old For you? I was 23..

never get my id checked but my husband who is three years older always gets his id check even for R rated movies wtf I AM YOUNGER!! I always feel old af

Im 29 and im in bed every night by 7:30. All my friends call me grandma =

realized I've been home from my LDS mission longer than some of the young men I am a leader for have been alive

A work colleague said she went to a jazz game & watched a guy & girl exchange phone numbers. She said it was like Tinder in real life. Smh that''s what we did before the internet Haha

I was doing a law enforcement presentation for a high school class and I told them I graduated high school in 1997. The whole class was like "daaaaaaammn you old." Haha those disrespectful bastards. I didn''t think I was that old but that experience aged me haha.

I'm back in school and I realized some of my classmates that are freshmen were born in 2001. I'm only 30...

I met Gavin Rosdale. I told some of my young coworkers they looked at me confused. He's the lead singer of Bush. Nothin. Finally he cheated on Gwen did it.

was listening to Air Supply and the guy I was dating asked who they were. He was a couple years younger than me.

I was talking to my classmate about music and I mentioned George Michael and he asked me "Who's that?" I realized he's only 19 and was born in 2000!

I knew I was old when my 9yo nephew asked me to walk behind him "so people wouldn''t know we were there together". Uhhh...buy your own $29 laser tag ticket, then, lone rider!

My 20yr old co worker asked me. Linkin Park was a band right?I m 28 and have never felt so old!

I was jogging on a trail with my six-month-old son at that time I was only 20 years old when I passed by two 1314-year-old and then one of them cat called me and then his friend said "eeewww dude she''s freaking old!"

Had an OBGYN tell me I was too old to get pregnant, at 34. Now I'm finally pregnant with twins at 35, boom!

passing by a 30 year old guy (I'm 34) I'm wonder who's hotter.... him or his dad!

felt old when I turned the station to oldies 94.1 and they are playing 80-90 music. Hello that's not oldies!!!!

I gave Madonna and Cher as examples for something with my 7th grade students. As I saw their confused faces, I realized I should have referenced Adele or Rihanna instead.

I''m only 23 but my friends that are younger than me use certain phrases that I don''t understand! For example people call each other Memes? I don''t get it and now I''m old &

My friend and I were in college so we''re about 21 or 22. We decided to go get some food and it was about 10 at night. They''re alsosome 14 15 year old boys who are waiting for their mom and just being dumb. Suddenly we both felt like we were 85

felt old when I let my hair grow out(lots of silver/gray hair) with my kids. The cashier asked me how old my grandkids were. Felt way old at that moment!

Something happened at work and I said "danger will robinson" others looked at me like I was an alien

I am 31 years old and a week ago today I slipped and fell in the shower and I had to go to the ER and I told the doctor I feel like an old lady buthere''s what happened

my nieces are watching Friends for the first time and asked mewhat call waiting is.

I feel super old and kind a lame when I learned that students of mine from eight years ago are now getting married. I teach junior high so it makes me feel pretty lame because I''m not married yet myself. Wish I didn''t feel that way but I can''t help it sometimes.

were just got Disney+ found some of my old favorite cartoons tale spin and duck tales I wanted to show my kids I realized they came out almost 30 years ago

I coach 13 yr olds. Got told I was a vsco girl and I had no idea what it was the girls that called me that has to explain it I'm 25 but feel old

when I started dating my now hubs my f.i.l asked me at dinner if I remembered howdy doody. I was 40 at the time

separated from my wife, checked out tinder. Women have kids in high school or graduated! I'm 38.

I have gone back to school. All of my life I have been a receptionist. My grandson said " grandma where you going?" I responded I''m going to school. His response was "grandma your too old to go to school" I am 42

about 6 yrs ago a plane went missing. I was dating a guy 7 yrs younger than me. I sent him a meme with Tatu from Fantasy Island saying if he was still around they''d find the plane. He said "who is that?", didn''t get it at all. Needless to say we''re just friends these days. Lol

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