TEXT TOPICS: What is your small lake city horror story?

canceled a date to go hangout with a guy I was more interested in. We hung out with his friends.. the guy I canceled on ended up being with his friends.

went to the gym, turned around saw my ex with her new boyfriend working out on the machine behind me ( she has a protective order and shouldn’t be near me) I finished my workout and on my way out.. her last boyfriend was actually working there... WTF, how many dudes are here that this chicks slept with lol. #slutsarearealthing.

TWICE I’ve been on a date and pulled up to a light next to my ex on a date too.

one of my investment clients are the girl who bullied me in high schools parents.

I run in2 my x-bf & his gorgeous wife (he cheated on me w/ her) all the freakin time. I'm happily married, but still! I need new hobbies.

drive for Uber on the weekends picked up an ex-girlfriend

husband has an ex he dated &dumped after a week &then somehow she met his cousin and we saw her at a family thing & she tried to ignore my husband

truck cut me off one day and I was yelling and cursing them. Turns out it was my father in law! Haha!!

I was selling my snowboard and found someone interested. We exchanged texts and had good conversations. The lady seemed really cool. Then the couple showed up at my house, I open the door and the guys smile immediately drops. The bubbly girl comes up behind him and he turns to her and said that so and so''s sis in law. Yeah it was my sister in laws ex husband that had cheated on her with that girl. All friendliness gone!! Bye Felecia!

picking up pizza with current gf. Turned around to be face to face with the girl I ghosted in order to date this one. Made eye contact and booked it out.

I'm a police officer in a nearby town that I grew up in. Needless to say, I've arrested several ex bfs and it's awesome

my friend had a fight protecting me in high school. The girl she had a fight with ended up being her sister in law years later.

married my old primary teachers ex husband. We didn’t realize it until he went home with me for the holidays and his ex wife and kids lived across the street from my mom.

One of the guys the bullied me in high school is now my cousin through my mother's new husband

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