Help get this bus going again to help a low-income community

My sister has a bus that needs work done so that she can continue assisting families in her community by getting their small children to school. She lives in a very low-income community in upstate New York. Most of these families don’t have their own vehicles. Not only does she assist their children in getting to school, but she’ll get them to doctors appts, and take them grocery shopping. Most recently she assisted a family in getting a bunk bed for their children. When I went home last Christmas, we went to see Christmas lights in Albany. She invited some of the families to come with us. It was the coolest thing. All of us piled in the bus and went to see the Christmas lights. She only asks these family to assist with gas. And with all that she does, she is lucky to break even. She is on a fixed income herself. She is a single mom of two boys, one of which gets dropped off at school with all the other little ones. She is such a blessing to her community. These sweet little ones get to stay warm all fall and winter long with those crazy northeast winters. As well as have a safe way to and from school. You can read more details in what she wrote for the fundraiser. I am so proud of her. I have donated myself and I wanted to reach out to you guys to see if this was something you felt good about sharing as well. The link to her fundraiser page where people may donate is below.

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