Good News (3/12) - Lil' Ice Cream Dude

When Beau Shell from Georgia was 8 years old, he turned his ice cream obsession into a mobile business. Since starting Lil’ Ice Cream Dude, he’s raised more than $15,000 for charity and now, at 13, he’s helping other kids interested in STEM education see the movie “A Wrinkle In Time.”

Beau raised $5,000 to treat 100 girls interested in STEM to a special screening of the movie. His guests will be treated to a red carpet event, including dinner and a goodie bag with a copy of the book. He hopes the movie inspires the girls.

“STEM girls can be the designer of a new iPhone,” Beau explains. “Find a cure for cancer, design the spacecraft and maybe make a futuristic ice cream, you never know.”


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